Now Proudly Serving Orange County

Now Proudly Serving Orange County

Parkinson's Disease

Bring stability, companionship, and safety back into your loved one’s life.

A caregiver from Legacy Home Care Los Angeles is shown providing thoughtful assistance to a client with Parkinson's Disease, highlighting the company's focus on delivering specialized, compassionate care tailored to the unique needs of Parkinson’s patients in their own homes.

Parkinson’s Homecare in Los Angeles & Orange County

Through tailor-made care plans, constant compassion, and Parkinson’s-specific training, we provide tailored homecare for Parkinson’s patients, without leaving their homes. When you or your loved one work with one of our Care Companions, they are more than ready to step in and take the caregiver’s stress and burden off your shoulders. When working with Legacy Homecare LA, we provide you or your loved one with a customized plan that fits your loved one’s needs.

Our specialized healthcare staff are there to provide customized care that is reflected in helping with exercise, mobility, bathing, dressing, personal hygiene and home safety. Let our Care Companion’s become familiar friends who bring joy and support to daily routines. By remaining in their homes, Parkinson’s clients maintain their comfortable lifestyle while receiving the home care they—and many families—need to feel secure. Our highly trained Parkinson’s caregivers are there to provide a feeling of safety and comfort through being a helping hand. This can include preventing safety risks such as slippery floors, obstructed pathways, as well as providing additional support services such as assisting with transitions such as sitting, standing, and eating.

Concerns about Parkinson’s? Let us ease your worries.

Our biggest, most important differentiator is our commitment to our people—this includes our clients, and unlike many other home health services, our family caregivers. We provide our dementia Care Companions with everything they need to provide the absolute best care to their clients. This includes resources like dementia-specific training from the country’s top programs as well as top-tier benefits such as industry-leading compensation, opportunities for career growth, and guaranteed work that provides much-needed stability.

Parkinson’s is a disease that can slowly progress over time and is often unnoticed. Our Care Companions are trained in Parkinson’s-specific training to help manage this disease. As your or your loved one’s disease progresses, our Care Companions will adapt their care procedures to reflect. This can include helping with daily tasks such as exercise, bathing, dressing, personal hygiene, outings, and home safety to ensure that your loved one is looked after.

Still have concerns specific to your family member’s experiences with Parkinson’s? Reach out today for a one-on-one discussion of how we can best support them and you as you navigate this process.

Learn more about our specialized care options

We specialize in long-term care across a broad range of conditions.


Heart Disease



Feel confident in your homecare decision with dedicated, capable Care Companions

Learn about our specialized care from a Legacy Homecare LA team member.

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