Now Proudly Serving Orange County

Now Proudly Serving Orange County

Continuing the Legacy


A caregiver from Legacy Home Care Los Angeles is shown providing thoughtful and dignified care, reflecting the company's founding story and mission to treat the elderly with respect and compassion, inspired by the founder's grandfather and his commitment to helping others age gracefully at home.

A Letter From Our Founder: Jason J. Kidushim.

I founded Legacy Homecare LA in honor of my grandfather, Joseph I. Kidushim.

While serving in the South Pacific during WWII, Joseph lost his right leg protecting his men from oncoming fire. He received the Purple Heart and Silver Star, along with a bevy of other medals for his heroism. After the war, he went on to become a successful businessman in Southern California. Despite the loss of his leg, you never would have called my grandfather disabled. He was gregarious, determined, and lived life to the fullest.

At age 82, everything changed when a doctor diagnosed my grandfather with Alzheimer’s. At first, he just seemed a bit forgetful, and my grandmother was able to care for him on her own. As the disease progressed, he needed more and more help. Eventually, it became more than my grandmother could handle. My grandmother passed away several years after my grandfather received his Alzheimer’s diagnosis, due in part to the rigors of caring for him on her own.

Years prior, my grandfather made his children promise that they would not place him in a nursing home. They honored his wish after my grandmother’s passing. First, they hired live-in support for him in his home. Eventually, they made the decision to move my grandfather and his caregivers into my parents’ home.

In the last twelve years of his life, I saw what this life-altering, progressive, disease does to a person. It turned a decorated war hero into someone who needed assistance 24/7. He relied on others to bathe, eat, and get dressed. This was someone with such a powerful will and a loving and supportive family, but it still took a village

My grandfather’s legacy changed the course of my life. He inspired me to dedicate the past decade of my life to helping thousands of other families navigate what we went through. I am so excited to bring everything I have learned, both professionally and personally, back home, to Southern California.

How we treat our elderly matters. Legacy Homecare LA will focus on helping older adults age at home while honoring each person’s legacy. We will strive to create the best day, every day, for every one of our clients.