what is home care

What Is Home Care?

Even after receiving a diagnosis of an illness like Parkinson’s or dementia, many people wish to maintain their independence. In-home care services can help your loved one accomplish this goal.

Home care includes helping older adults with daily activities like bathing, dressing, cooking, and light housekeeping. It can also include consistent companionship, mobility support, and medication monitoring.

Why Choose Home Care Services?

While it may be hard to accept, your loved one will likely need some additional assistance as they get older. You may have taken on some of their household responsibilities yourself, like running errands, paying bills, folding laundry, or taking them to doctor’s appointments.

Still, as your loved one’s needs change, they might require more help than you can realistically handle. If the idea of moving your parents or grandparents into an assisted living facility doesn’t appeal to your family, home care services can allow them to remain in their familiar surroundings.

What Is Aging in Place?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention define aging in place as “the ability to live in one’s home and community safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of age, income, or ability level.” Aging in place allows people to preserve their dignity, wellness, self-confidence and a positive outlook, despite the obstacles they may face as the years go by.

Age-related physical and cognitive decline can make daily life difficult. However, with help from family, friends, and professional caregivers, your loved one can continue living at home, have more control over their routine, and make decisions as they see fit. That’s how aging in place allows for an unmatched degree of independence.

Many older adults have spent years living in the same neighborhood, building a life and growing a family. Over time, their home’s emotional value has become an intrinsic part of their identity. While some people quickly adapt to life in a retirement community, your loved one might never truly feel like the space belongs to them. Meanwhile, aging in place will allow your loved one to stay in a familiar, well-loved environment, which can be critical for their quality of life.

Unparalleled Home Care With Specialized Training

At Legacy Homecare LA, we know how much older adults value their freedom and ability to remain at home. If you have a loved one who would benefit from aging in place, we make independent living easier with our customized care plans. We provide access to 24/7 care coordination coverage and a team of experienced Care Companions for families throughout the greater Los Angeles area.

Honoring your loved one’s desire to age in place is a way to show how much you care. To learn more about our services, set up a care assessment to let us get to know you. Our highly trained team will take the responsibilities of caregiving off your shoulders and help you and your loved one live more comfortably. If you have questions or would like to know more about what we can do for you, reach out today.


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